Tackett & Bradstreet Psychology

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Families Do Not Cause Eating Disorders

Eating disorders are complex diagnoses that cannot be boiled down to a single cause. While we do know that family relationships and norms can impact eating disorder development, families are not the cause. If families were the cause, everyone with certain family dynamics would have an eating disorder.

Eating disorders are more like tornadoes. There are several atmospheric conditions that can contribute to a tornado forming. You can have every atmospheric condition and a tornado will not occur (tornado watch). Alternatively, we can have only a few atmospheric conditions and a devastating storm will form. 

Eating disorder professionals know from mounds of research that there are “atmospheric conditions” that contribute to eating disorders: personality, temperament, digestive sensitivities, genetics, family dynamics, socialization, peer relationships, romantic relationships, cultural norms, media, neurological development, sport pressures, trauma, co-occurring diagnoses, etc., etc., etc.,

At Tackett & Bradstreet, we find that many families have internalized a sense of blame which can actually prevent them from participating in treatment. Families are often so terrified of a professional confirming their worst fears: “you are to blame for this,” that they avoid seeking treatment all together. 

Our providers know that it is essential for clients to have family or a strong support network during treatment. People who suffer from eating disorders do not get better alone. It is too much for any person to hold alone. Therefore, we will ask families and chosen families to rise past their fears and show up fully in treatment of a loved one. 


  • Treatment is hard

  • Families and those suffering from eating disorders are not to blame

  • Families can learn new skills to support loved ones

  • Tackett & Bradstreet is here to help

Thanks for checking out this Tackett Tip!

Dr. Tackett